We make best efforts to keep the website updated with current inventory, but given the nature of demand, at times component materials will be limited or out of stock before the website reflects this status. Our commitment to sustainability also means that we aim to only produce volumes that we have demand for, to minimise surplus and wastage. This sometimes means that we have to offer certain items on a pre-order or waitlist basis, and will let you know if this is the case with your order. If we cannot fill your order within a reasonable timeframe, we will inform you via e-mail.  We will try to also offer suggestions for other items that may act as a substitute to your original order. We will contact you via the e-mail provided by you during checkout. 

Sales are final on all clearance, custom ordered and customised products, and are not returnable or refundable.


Prices on the website are displayed in British pounds and include VAT for items sold within the EU. They do not include shipping, or any import duties and taxes for items sold outside the EU.

We accept all major credit cards. All credit card transactions are processed using Stripe, a secure online payment gateway, which encrypts your card details in a secure host environment. We do not hold your credit card details on the website.